I do videos good?
now that I have the SH2 Remake in my hands, the question is: can it replace the original?
We are back with a collection of modern titles looking for the Resident Evil feel.
Ever wonder what happens when you cross Blade Runner with Silent Hill?
One part Resident Evil. One part World War 1. All survival horror.
it's going to take a little more than just copy pasting old Resident Evil traits into a modern game for me to enjoy it....... Ok, that was a lie. That's exactly what it takes
We have finally arrived at Fatal Frame Maiden of Black Water and.....well.....it's complicated
We have been dreaming of a modern re-release of the classic Resident Evil games for years, and now Good Old Games has made that dream a reality.
Hope you guys are strapped in for a lot of waggle mechanics and ghost hunting because that is precisely what you're in for.
So part 3 actually had a bit of a hard job. How well did it perform? And more importantly, has the main character asked each of these ghost's consent to take their pictures? Let's find out!
Can the follow-up lap its predecessor and deliver a truly horrifying experience?
So is there any enjoyment to be had in hunting ghosts with a camera? Well, let's find out in the Fatal Frame Retrospective.
Coming hot off of a 13 year gap, Remedy has finally released the sequel to their Xbox 360 darling Alan Wake.
this little upstart indie spook fest made a big impression on me by taking a lot of ques from Resident Evil Gaiden of all places
I still haven't watched Death island
taking a look at "every single" port of the Resident Evil Remake. PC, Gamecube, Wii, Emulation, PS4, Switch, PS5.
I decided to try and figure out exactly what each of those words mean and how I could explain that meaning to others.
My history with Resident Evil 4 is a spotty one.
We've got some really great horror games to comb through. So what do ya say we get down to business?
Today I want to compare the original Dead Space to its Remake and find out what (if anything) has been changed and exactly how faithful those changes are.
Is this the creepy, space horror title you've been waiting for, and is it the Dead Space killer that people expected? Well let's find out.
Jared is a nerd and has played every version of every classic Survival Horror game, including the entirety of the Silent Hill series
This DLC seems to be moving in the direction of classic Resident Evil gameplay, but the question is, did it move far enough in that direction to matter? Well, let's find out.
Jared reviews every single live action adaptation of Resident Evil
Fear 2 Project origin had a rocky start before it even got off the ground and once it released, it was in for even more of a fight.
Jared is back and he brings with him a long…. oh so very long retrospective
Ever heard of the 20 minute CGI RE film 4Executor? neither have we, but Jared has and he’s here to tell us about it
Jared has covered pretty much every bit of Resident Evil media except the recent CG mini series… until now
Pre-Horrify.world videos
The site wasn’t always around so any videos published before its launch have to be manually archived
Fear 2 Project origin had a rocky start before it even got off the ground and once it released, it was in for even more of a fight.
First person shooters definitely have their genre building pillars. Titles like Doom, Duke Nukem and Halo are often credited with the genre's success, but I don't think many would argue Monolith's Fear also holds a place among those massive hits. It was an incredibly successful blending of horror and fast paced action, but with success comes follow ups and well......that story is a little more complicated. Fear 2 Project origin had a rocky start before it even got off the ground and once it released, it was in for even more of a fight. Today, let's take a look at what that fight produced and whether or not it stacks up to the FPS giant that spawned it.
Today I’d like to let you guys in on a secret. I absolutely love the Last of Us
Well this is something I don’t do very often. I’ve spent a lot of time on this channel giving love to older, less appreciated title. Stuff like Resident Evil, Silent Hill or Stalker, but today I’d like to let you guys in on a secret. I absolutely love the Last of Us. The story, the world, the characters, the gameplay. It all just clicked with me in a way that doesn’t happen to me very often. This is a game that genuinely touched me, and the goal today is to try and describe why that is. Plus, the Last of Us Remake recently came out, and I know you guys didn’t think I was going to pass up a chance to compare old 720p footage from a PS3 game to 4k captures from a brand new PS5 release. This one’s gonna be fun!!
Today I'd like to sit down and tackle the more obscure entries in the odd world of Resident Evil multimedi
Today I'd like to sit down and tackle the more obscure entries in the odd world of Resident Evil multimedia. There are commercials, stage plays and whole CGI shorts that I've never touched on, and it's about time I remedied that. Besides, if I waited any longer to talk about Biohazard 4D Executer, some of you would take to the streets. Let's hope I've put that off.....at least for a little bit.
I've covered nearly every single piece of Resident Evil media at this point, but for some reason I never got around to the recent mini series Infinite Darkness.
I've covered nearly every single piece of Resident Evil media at this point, but for some reason I never got around to the recent mini series Infinite Darkness. As you guy probably know, the series isn't exactly known for producing good cinematic content, but who knows. Maybe we'll finally get that RE show that perfectly represents the content of the games, while providing a good survival horror esque story........ We both know how this is going to.
The people have spoken, and it's dinosaurs and horror they want!
The people have spoken, and it's dinosaurs and horror they want! It has been years and years since I sat down to play Capcom's experimental #survivalhorror title #DinoCrisis and the only thing left to do is to see if this can replace the almighty #ResidentEvil as far as great horror experiences go. What's up guys! Welcome to the Dino Crisis Retrospective!
In a very "Parasite Eve" move, the follow up to Dino Crisis would fall pretty far from the proverbial tree.
In a very "Parasite Eve" move, the follow up to Dino Crisis would fall pretty far from the proverbial tree. Does a return to pre rendered backgrounds mean a harder focus on survival horror? And is there any way to improve on the concept of the dinosaurs coming back? Let's find out!
Ok so get this. Dino Crisis, the game created to bring survival horror back to its roots, ended up going arcade action, and then when it came time to make a 3rd game, capcom decided to roll it into the Gun Survivor series.
Ok so get this. Dino Crisis, the game created to bring survival horror back to its roots, ended up going arcade action, and then when it came time to make a 3rd games, capcom decided to roll it into the Gun Survivor series. A spin off franchise under the Resident Evil banner. Man, talk about a confusing family tree! Well let's see if this light gun, dinosaur extinction simulator fits into the normal DC games.............it doesn't.
Alright guys, we all know what we’re in here for. Dino Crisis 3 is world renowned for being absolutely terrible.
Alright guys, we all know what we’re in here for. Dino Crisis 3 is world renowned for being absolutely terrible.
As the streets of New York ice over and the blood of the criminal underground stains the snow red, there stands one man with a single goal. Revenge.
As the streets of New York ice over and the blood of the criminal underground stains the snow red, there stands one man with a single goal. Revenge. As a 3rd person shooter, Max Payne shouldn't have effected the game industry as much as it did, but this wasn't a mindless shoot em up. This was a work of art. A work of art that gamers never knew they needed. Join me, as I take the microscope to Remedy's industry changing event, right here on the Max Payne retrospective.
After the original Max Payne gained a giant following on both PC and Console, it was assured that Remedy would jump back in the ring for another dark noir shootout.
After the original Max Payne gained a giant following on both PC and Console, it was assured that Remedy would jump back in the ring for another dark noir shootout. What no one expected was for mega publisher Rockstar to step into the picture and give Remedy the opportunity they needed to one up their own magnum-opus. Is it even possible to outdo a classic? Can you make slow motion bullet dives any cooler? Well, let's find out!
Can Max Payne exist without Remedy at the helm?! Well it's about time to find out.
Can Max Payne exist without Remedy at the helm?! Well it's about time to find out. With Rockstar behind the wheel, fans were pretty damn worried about their favorite renegade cop. Is this a shameless cash-in, or a loving homage? Let's find out!
Let's crack into one of the most unique role playing games of all time!
Let's crack into one of the most unique role playing games of all time! Parasite Eve came out in an experimental time, and as a combination of role playing and survival horror, it couldn't be in my wheelhouse any harder. So, let's jump in!
After the success of the original Parasite Eve, you would figure Square would want to make another role playing game in the same vein…..
After the success of the original Parasite Eve, you would figure Square would want to make another role playing game in the same vein...................but you would be wrong. Parasite Eve 2 takes what used to be a passing fancy for survival horror, and turns it into a full on duplication. Can the game still play well, after being implanted into a Resident Evil clone? Let's find out!!
Well we’ve finally reached the end of this little journey….
Well, we've finally reached the end of this little journey. It may have taken........more than a few years to come out, but now that the 3rd birthday is finally in my hands, will it stack up to its predecessors? Let's find out!
It's pretty common for games from the early 2000's to fall through the cracks, as they aren't quite modern, but not quite retro. #HunterTheReckoning most definitely falls into that category.
It's pretty common for games from the early 2000's to fall through the cracks, as they aren't quite modern, but not quite retro. #HunterTheReckoning most definitely falls into that category. Based off the pen and paper #RPG of the same name, Hunter takes us into the world of darkness where supernatural monsters are held at bay by select people given the powers to fight them. Here in the Hunter the Reckoning Retrospective, I plan on doing my best to get some more eyes on this incredibly underrated series.
After #HunterTheReckoning's relative success with their initial jump from pen and paper to video game, a sequel was all but guaranteed.
After #HunterTheReckoning's relative success with their initial jump from pen and paper to video game, a sequel was all but guaranteed. This time around High Voltage would be using the #PS2 as their platform of choice. Is it possible to make lightning strike twice? Let's find out!
As sad as it is, we have reached the end of the line in the #HunterTheReckoning series. This time we're checking out the #Xbox exclusive Redeemer.
As sad as it is, we have reached the end of the line in the #HunterTheReckoning series. This time we're checking out the #Xbox exclusive Redeemer. Will this be the bang a series this good deserves to end on? Let's find out!
I think everyone knows I love me some Resident Evil. That survival horror playstyle just does something for me, and if you thought I would change that anytime soon, you are sadly mistaken.
I think everyone knows I love me some Resident Evil. That survival horror playstyle just does something for me, and if you thought I would change that anytime soon, you are sadly mistaken. Today we take a look at a sort of half brother to Capcom's RE series in the form of Onimusha Warlords. Just think RE, but set in ancient Japan. This game may have started its life as a PS1 answer to Resident Evil, but it formed in to something totally different by the time it hit the PS2. Let's check it out!
00:00 - Intro
01:34 - Development
03:25 - Story
08:21 - Gameplay
19:55 - Presentation
24:21 - Ports
33:11 - Conclusion
After producing a pretty well received hit in their Resident Evil inspired samurai game, Capcom was guaranteed to chase a follow up.
After producing a pretty well received hit in their Resident Evil inspired samurai game, Capcom was guaranteed to chase a follow up. However, the question is, can they continue that same PS2 survival horror style gameplay, with a bunch of changes and new features? Well that's what we're here to find out!
00:00 - Intro
01:13 - Development
02:25 - Story
06:18 - Gameplay
16:14 - Presentation
18:41 - Conclusion
So we've covered the survival horror adjacent origins of this series, but did you ever think we'd cross over into the realm of GBA turn based strategy RPG's?????
So we've covered the survival horror adjacent origins of this series, but did you ever think we'd cross over into the realm of GBA turn based strategy RPG's????? Well, that's where the Onimusha path has taken us. In a world of samurai sword fights and ancient Japanese demons, this game decided to be an SRPG. Today, let's take a look at a Gameboy Advance oddity!
00:00 - Intro
01:38 - Development?
02:40 - Story
11:25 - Gameplay
20:57 - Presentation
26:56 - Conclusion
Well there's not much to say here. Capcom's survival horror lite Onimusha series has been great so far, but nothing top Onimusha 3 in my opinion.
Well there's not much to say here. Capcom's survival horror lite Onimusha series has been great so far, but nothing top Onimusha 3 in my opinion. Don't expect me to be overly critical in this one and go in knowing I will be doing nothing but complimenting it.
00:00 - Intro
01:26 - Development
03:24 - Story
07:50 - Spoilers
09:33 - Story Cont'd
11:23 - Gameplay
25:34 - Presentation
31:41 - PC/Sourcenext Port
35:51 - Conclusion
Did you ever think to yourself "I wonder what a cross between Nintendo's Super Smash Bros and Capcom's Onimusha"?
Did you ever think to yourself "I wonder what a cross between Nintendo's Super Smash Bros and Capcom's Onimusha"? No? Well, none of us did, but that's doesn't mean we don't still get an answer to that question.......Ok.......Let's get into it.
00:00 - Intro
01:27 - Development?
02:17 - Story
05:12 - Gameplay
15:36 - Presentation
18:11 - Conclusion
Well we have finally reached the end of this little dive into Capcom's once horror samurai series, and Dawn of Dreams is one hell of a title to end on.
Well we have finally reached the end of this little dive into Capcom's once horror samurai series, and Dawn of Dreams is one hell of a title to end on. This game may not have the asperations toward survival horror that the first one did, but it carves out a spot all its own in the franchise. Whether or not all that is a good thing......well, I guess we'll find out.
I think we're all aware that I love me some old school survival horror, but for the longest time, I was pretty sure such and old genre just couldn't work nowadays.
I think we're all aware that I love me some old school survival horror, but for the longest time, I was pretty sure such and old genre just couldn't work nowadays. Well after trying a few modern entries, I changed my tune pretty damn quick. This series was an excuse for me to get rid of my backlog, as it were and correct a historical wrong of mine. We'll be running the gauntlet from new indie hits like Fobia, to older cult classics like Lone Survivor. So sit back and prepare to get a little survival with your horror!
00:00 Intro
01:25 Cryospace
07:20 Fobia
16:53 Brutal Japan
25:03 Lone Survivor
33:19 Heaven Dust 2
40:28 ad
41:29 Murder House
49:45 Conclusion
51:44 End
I guess I'm not quite finished running through all of the modern Resident Evil clones I can find.
I guess I'm not quite finished running through all of the modern Resident Evil clones I can find. Todays I've got an awesome collection of recent survival horror games, including a lot more pixel based entries than you might think. So let's get into it!!!
00:00 Intro
01:22 Signalis
05:17 The Medium
16:42 Conscript
23:19 Song of Horror
33:37 Lost in Vivo
42:31 Heaven Dust
51:48 Alisa
56:10 Lamentum
1:04:32 Conclusion
01:05:13 End
As we all know, I’m a sucker for the survival horror genre and I can’t stop complaining about how few titles are in that genre. Well, it turns out there are a lot more than I first realized.
As we all know, I’m a sucker for the survival horror genre and I can’t stop complaining about how few titles are in that genre. Well, it turns out there are a lot more than I first realized. Early on, I got it in my head that no one would ever be willing to revive this long dead horror genre, but apparently people have been doing it behind my back. So can these modern releases live up to their Resident Evil and Silent Hill forefathers? Will I finally admit to being wrong about something??? Let’s find out!
My full review of Tormented Souls - https://youtu.be/5wiAS3OLiwY
00:00 Intro
03:18 Back in 1995
11:46 Nightmare of Decay
19:08 DreadOut
25:48 Dreadout 2
31:28 Post Trauma
37:54 Tormented Souls
45:57 Them and Us
52:52 Evil Tonight
1:00:02 Conclusion
1:00:40 End
Well, I worked my way through the CG films, so I guess it’s about time I got to the real stuff.
Well, I worked my way through the CG films, so I guess it’s about time I got to the real stuff. The RE movie was actually a pretty big event in my life growing up. Of course I was always a Resident Evil fan, and the idea that this small franchise I loved would get a chance in the mainstream spotlight, just blew me away. Is it actually a good movie? Well that’s a whole different issue all together…..
After covering the first #ResidentEvil movie, I'm contractually obligated to cover the rest of em right?
After covering the first #ResidentEvil movie, I'm contractually obligated to cover the rest of em right? Well, I'll be honest. I have no recollection of any of the rest of the movies in the series. So let's find out if Resident Evil Apocalypse improves on the flaws I found with the first movie!
With RE Apocalypse actually surprising me with how much I enjoyed it, I'm actually psyched to jump into Extinction.
With RE Apocalypse actually surprising me with how much I enjoyed it, I'm actually psyched to jump into Extinction. Sure the #ResidentEvil movies have a terrible reputation, but I'm willing to give each of them a fair shot............ I feel like I'm going to regret those words very soon.....
So we're finally back in business with the Resident Evil live action movie franchise.
So we're finally back in business with the Resident Evil live action movie franchise. This time we've got the film that has the terrible job of having to follow up the last RE movie which essentially destroyed the world. How will they solve that little issue? Well I imagine a little retcon will is all that's needed. Why don't you guys join me for another entry in the Resident Evil Retrospective
sit down and get comfy because we're about to check out the impact Capcom's survival horror classic can still have on the gaming scenes with another slew of Modern Resident Evil Clones