Fear 2 Project origin had a rocky start before it even got off the ground and once it released, it was in for even more of a fight.
Today I’d like to let you guys in on a secret. I absolutely love the Last of Us
The people have spoken, and it's dinosaurs and horror they want!
In a very "Parasite Eve" move, the follow up to Dino Crisis would fall pretty far from the proverbial tree.
Ok so get this. Dino Crisis, the game created to bring survival horror back to its roots, ended up going arcade action, and then when it came time to make a 3rd game, capcom decided to roll it into the Gun Survivor series.
Alright guys, we all know what we’re in here for. Dino Crisis 3 is world renowned for being absolutely terrible.
As the streets of New York ice over and the blood of the criminal underground stains the snow red, there stands one man with a single goal. Revenge.
After the original Max Payne gained a giant following on both PC and Console, it was assured that Remedy would jump back in the ring for another dark noir shootout.
Can Max Payne exist without Remedy at the helm?! Well it's about time to find out.
Let's crack into one of the most unique role playing games of all time!
After the success of the original Parasite Eve, you would figure Square would want to make another role playing game in the same vein…..
Well we’ve finally reached the end of this little journey….
It's pretty common for games from the early 2000's to fall through the cracks, as they aren't quite modern, but not quite retro. #HunterTheReckoning most definitely falls into that category.
After #HunterTheReckoning's relative success with their initial jump from pen and paper to video game, a sequel was all but guaranteed.
As sad as it is, we have reached the end of the line in the #HunterTheReckoning series. This time we're checking out the #Xbox exclusive Redeemer.
I think everyone knows I love me some Resident Evil. That survival horror playstyle just does something for me, and if you thought I would change that anytime soon, you are sadly mistaken.
After producing a pretty well received hit in their Resident Evil inspired samurai game, Capcom was guaranteed to chase a follow up.
So we've covered the survival horror adjacent origins of this series, but did you ever think we'd cross over into the realm of GBA turn based strategy RPG's?????
Well there's not much to say here. Capcom's survival horror lite Onimusha series has been great so far, but nothing top Onimusha 3 in my opinion.
Did you ever think to yourself "I wonder what a cross between Nintendo's Super Smash Bros and Capcom's Onimusha"?
Well we have finally reached the end of this little dive into Capcom's once horror samurai series, and Dawn of Dreams is one hell of a title to end on.
This is insane and I never should have inflicted it on myself.
This is a collection of my reviews of the Suffering series.
This is a collection of all my #Stalker #Retrospective videos that were previously released individually.
In celebration of the amazing #SilentHill franchise, let's take a look at every single game and movie that makes up this gaming dynasty!
This is a collection of all my videos in the Dead Space Retrospective.
This is a collection of previously released videos covering the Metro series of apocalyptic first shooters.