DEADFORGE: Just talking about Dying Light 2
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BAD GHOSTS: Night in the Woods - Story, Heart & Mental Health
A review of Night in the Woods, a wonderful indie game worth your time.
DEADFORGE: Dying Light 2 is a must play game in 2022
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SHH'KOTSKY: Condemned: Criminal Origins Review - The Mid-2000’s Survival-Horror Embodiment Of Utter Mediocrity
let's just say that I have mixed feelings about it
BAD GHOSTS: 237 - The Shining Indie/Fan Horror Game
A review of 237 - an indie/fan video game adaptation of The Shining!
DEADFORGE: Dead Island easter egg in Dying Light 2 | Sam B Who do you Voodoo?
Please like, comment, subscribe, and let me know how I'm doing. Always trying new things to see how they stick.
BAD GHOSTS: Misao: Definitive Edition - A Quintessential J-Horror Game
A review of Misao: The Definitive Edition - a game completely worth your time.
DEADFORGE: I highly recommend The Forgotten City
I'll have a review soon on the forgotten city soon. I highly recommend trying the game on any systems you can get it on. It's on game pass as well.
BAD GHOSTS: Death and Taxes - An Office Reaper’s Tale
A review of Placeholder Gameworks' 'Death & Taxes'!
Aliens Fireteam Elite impressions
I kinda packed too much into a short video but I think I got it across decently well.
BAD GHOSTS: Something's In The Sea - A ‘Yahtzeecraft’ Nautical Horror Game
A review of Yahtzee Croshaw's 'Something's In The Sea.'
SHH'KOTSKY: Resident Evil 8 Village Review - Surprisingly Excellent Yet Probably Last FPP Entry Into RE SERIES?
This Resident Evil 8 Village Review - comes off as a bit of a surprise now that I think of it - but I really did enjoy quite a lot of its aspects.
Why is Back 4 Blood so divisive among players in my opinion
I kinda packed too much into a short video but I think I got it across decently well.
DEADFORGE: Evil Dead: The Game
Please like, comment, subscribe, and let me know how I'm doing. Always trying new things to see how they stick.
The Wild World of MODERN Resident Evil Clones: Vol 4
We've got some really great horror games to comb through. So what do ya say we get down to business?
Dead Space Remake is Amazing: The Dead Space Retrospective
Today I want to compare the original Dead Space to its Remake and find out what (if anything) has been changed and exactly how faithful those changes are.
Metal Gear Survive is a Game That Exists
Having usurped the much anticipated Silent Hills as Konami's Fox Engine horror game, Metal Gear Survive has a fair amount to live up to
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